Saturday, April 2, 2022

My First Entry

 Today is technically April 2nd, but considering how strange yesterday was for me, I thought I would take this opportunity to start a personal diary/blog to document my life and how drastically different it is compared to this time a year ago. This is something I never would have considered doing if not for what I'm currently going through. 

While I will keep this anonymous, and will only use single letters when talking about specific people I know to keep their anonymity and protect their privacy, I will say that I am a 46 year old man who is going through my second divorce, and it has really done a number on me in so many different ways. I hope to continue this on a daily basis, but we shall see. Hell, I may even do several of these posts in a single day, you never know. My hope is that by talking about the hell I am going through emotionally and mentally, it will be therapeutic...because I am currently in a living personal hell. Yet, I am not blind to the fact that I am not alone, or that there are others dealing with far worse situations, which is what I try to always keep in the back of my mind to keep things in perspective. 

So hello to my future self (who will undoubtedly be looking back and reading this some day in the future) and to anyone who stops by to read these. 

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Saturday, April 2nd

April 2nd. I woke up late today. It's a Saturday, and my last day of training was yesterday. This will be my last free weekend before my...